Doulas and Lactation Consultants Available for Tricare Military Families 2021

So many hopes for 2021 swirling around out there. For military spouses and expecting military members, some hopes have been realized in the National Defense Authorization Act 2021. In this act, which was approved January 1st, 2021, there is a pilot project or ‘demonstration project’ which is to begin within 1 year of NDAA approval and last five years. During this project, military members and spouses will have access to doulas and access to lactation consultants outside of the Tricare program. If certain certifications are required for the extramedical maternal health providers (doulas and lactation consultants), this will be stated once the project is announced. During the five years, participants will have various information recorded for the sake of determining the outcomes of the program. If the program is determined to be successful, permanent changes will be made to the existing regulations to include these extramedical maternal health providers. 

As a veteran and current military spouse, I’m so excited for the opportunities that will emerge from this. I was active duty for my first child and a dependent for my second child, for both births we decided to hire a doula for the evidence based benefits but also, just in case my husband got called away on orders. This program will cover the cost of these essential support services, which I think are essential for every family but especially crucial for military families who are often displaced from families and other support  networks. Not only are these support services, these professionals can help a family tap into many other prenatal/labor/postnatal support systems available in their current community.



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