About Me

Hello! I am so excited that you are considering my services. Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Heather and my family has lived in Abilene for 5 years. I bopped around as a military kid and then joined the military after college. My husband is still actively serving and so, for now, Abilene is our home. I had my first son here at Abilene Regional Medical Center. My second son was born in San Diego, CA. I was inspired to join the birth work community after having a difficult birth with my first child and a successful VBAC with the second. I became a BEST certified doula to support families through the transformation that comes with every pregnancy and birth; a transformation that is all together beautiful yet difficult. My childbirth education instruction is through Lamaze International. I also teach prenatal yoga. Prenatal yoga supports the pregnant body by acknowledging the myriad of changes happening and creating the space to be at peace with those changes. My yoga training was completed in California and I have met so many wonderful people through the yoga community in Abilene. I enjoy reading, puzzles, being outdoors, camping, traveling, playing with my family, watching science fiction movies and hanging with my besties. I believe that birth is an empowering transition, that requires support before, during and after labor. Through education and doula work, I hope to change the world by giving parents the power of knowledge and informed choices. Any birth, no matter how it is achieved, should be respected and worn with pride. I also support equality in care and acknowledge the disparities in healthcare when it comes to people of color and members of the LGBTQ+ community. If you are a member of either community, please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns about support available to you.

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Heather Baumgarten, BEST Certified Doula, RYT-200